Proverbs 3:24
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
A bed for a every child in our area would be a dream come true.
Sweet Dreams Ministry provides new bed frames, mattresses, pillows, sheets, and blankets to children in need in our local communities.
A good night's sleep means more than a mattress.
Having a safe, clean, and appropriate place to sleep is a critical part of long-term health and wellness with measurable educational benefits.
Better education and grades
Students read more and perform better in school when they are well rested.
Strength and resilience
Families are better prepared to face life after a good night's rest.

How to Apply for a Bed
To qualify as a bed recipient, you must be the legal guardian of the child or children ages 3-17 years old receiving the bed or a referral from a school, Social Service, family or other local agency.
Selecting a Recipient
Sweet Dreams is always eager to help families in need whose kids have uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. Unfortunately, we can only help families who are close to our local area.
Once we receive an application, our selection committee will review it. Selecting a recipient isn’t done on a first-come, first-served basis—we make our decisions based on which children need beds the most.
We deliver twin size beds as supplies and donations allow. When we’re out of beds or bedding, we file unselected applications away until we can get more. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that every applicant will get a bed.
You must fit the following criteria to receive one of our beds:
Location: You must live within a one hour driving distance of Orchardville Church.
Bedding Environment: You must have an accessible house or apartment with a room large enough to fit one of our twin beds.
Contact: We must be able to contact you via phone, text or email.
Necessary Documents: You’ll need to fill out our online Sweet Dreams Bed Request Form that is found below.
Ages: Kids need to be 3-17 years old.
Application Process
1. Complete the Form
2. After completing the Bed Request Form, you will be contacted by a member of our team via email, text, or phone call.
3. If your application is accepted, you must sign an Indemnification Release Form upon delivery.